Slow Waltz. Music for ballroom dancing.

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English waltz is characterized by discipline and execution of technical elements at the highest level. The grace and nobility of the waltz needs no proof. Elegant dance will be achieved only if the couple achieves soft steps.

Slow Waltz

At the heart of any professional and harmonious dance is perfectly chosen music that will hook both dancers and the audience. That is why dancers and choreographers pay special attention to this aspect.


In practice, quite often used elements of slow dances, for example, the waltz, due to the fact that its elements seem light and airy from the outside. It can be performed in any place, whether it is public or, for example, in the home environment.

But it can take a long time to learn it. Some may need several months, while others may need a few days. Here everything is individual and depends primarily on the desire of the trainee. But it is still necessary to have a lot of patience, because a lot of practice is required to hone the skill in order to achieve the maximum effect.

Experts recommend starting with simple movements and tunes that are calculated up to a minute. This way you will understand the specifics of dance moves, your actions will become better and more decisive over time.

It is also not a good idea to train alone. Ask your loved ones to help you. This way you will not be embarrassed by them or by your mistakes, which may appear later. But you can also sign up in any dance studio and use the services of a professional choreographer. To start you can train with him individually for a couple of classes, and after he can pick up for you a suitable partner.

Choose professional footwear for training to avoid accidents. As strange as it may sound, injuries can occur here as well.

What about music, then? In the initial stages you should choose the music of the relaxed genre or the music that makes you want to dance, not stopping for a second. If you initially start dancing to the music that you do not like, then you will quickly lose interest in this kind of training.

Choreographers recommend using melodies from movies and cartoons that thrill you and get you into the dance. For example, it could be a dance from the cartoon "Anastasia," where the main character beautifully sang and performed the dance in her ancestral home.

Remember: the main thing is to find the connection between the music and the body, the practice will come to you over time.