
Rhythms of Polesie 2019
On May 18-19 was held the Open Championship of Zhytomyr region Rhythms of Polesia - 2019. It was our home and so rad tournament, in which all our dancers took part. Also dancers took part in the organization of this beautiful event. These two days were full of different emotions. There were tears of joy, tears of disappointment, tears of moms from the first appearance on the big parquet. But still there were more joyful emotions. Thank you to our children dancers for good results, you did not let our coaches down. Thank you to our team of coaches (Alexander Vysotsky Ruslan Vysotskyi Andriy Turkiv Eugenia Bormotova (Eugenia Bormotova) Kolya Kondratyuk (Kolya Kondratyuk) Vysotsky Tatiana) for the faith and invested labor in our dancers. Many thanks to parents for always support. Everyone is great. Do not stop! Only go forward!