Jive. Music for ballroom dancing.

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Jive is part of the Latin American dance program. Fast rhythm, fervor and "peppiness" are inherent in it. Partners seem weightless, because they often have to "be in the air. Jive has a complex but interesting history, without which it would not be what we know it to be in the 21st century.

Music for ballroom dancing "Jive


Do you know what the most rousing and energetic dance that combines rock and roll and jitterbug is called? It's the jive. It originated in the late 19th century in the southeastern United States. There are two versions of the origin of the jive. First: the origins of this dance were laid by the African Negroes. And the second: this is just a kind of ritual military dance of Seminole Indians in Florida.

Jive developed on European territory after World War II. However, due to the traumatic nature of the dance, sharp jumps and lifts, it was performed in competitions, which made it inaccessible to many and at the same time interesting for all.

Throughout its existence, the jive has had many variations of performance, and that is why it has become popular under such names as the American swing, lindy and West Coast swing.

Jive is the finale of Latin American dancing, its execution technique is unique. In the process of dancing couples, expending a lot of energy and energy, amaze the audience with their skills.

But the most important thing is not in the unique character of the dance, enchanting costumes and not even in the high professionalism of the dancers, but in the symbiosis of all of the above with the energetic and rhythmic music. The most important thing you need to know when learning the jive - the dance is performed at an incredibly fast pace. The most famous count is 1-2, 3 and 4, 3 and 4, in which case the 2 and 4 lobes are emphasized. It follows that the musical size that is most appropriate for jive is 4/4. The tempo is measured in 44 bars per minute. The standard jive performance time for competitions is a minute and a half. Music for the jive can be confused with the accompaniment for the sport of rock 'n' roll because of the interconnectedness of the dances.

Ragtime became a companion to the jive from the very beginning of its spread, because the melody of this music is as jerky and suitable for the syncopated nature of the dance. Then the Ragtime began to accompany the swing, which caused the jive to change not only in performance but also musically as it was danced to other incendiary music.

At the moment, the jive, like boogie woogie, rock and roll, twist, disco, is mostly danced to jazz compositions, the most popular of which are: "Jumping Jive" by Cab Callowayem, "Do Not Stop Me Now" by Queen, and, of course, the famous "Hit the Road Jack" by Ray Charles, lyrics by Percy Mayfield.